
Does your desk look like this? Before and after with TC Organizes!

I offer the following services:

  • Residential de-cluttering and organizing, especially for families and older adults

  •  Collectibles advisor – help with valuing items and providing resources for consignment/selling/purchasing of unwanted jewelry, gold, silver, coins and more

  • Space planning - consulting prior and during the design process to make sure all your items will fit in the new space

  • Create systems for craft rooms and supplies

  • Relocation help – pre-move editing, packing, logistics, and unpacking

  • Sorting & creating systems for your papers

  • Digital organizing – files and folders figured out

  • Lego sorting – putting the pieces back as a kit for easy storage (not building it)!

Are you overwhelmed by any or all of your projects?  If so, call or send an email so we can explore your needs.  We will then arrange a free walk-through to provide a scope of work and decide a course of action. Take care of that project(s) with help from TC Organizes!

How much will it cost?

Prices depend on the type of service you choose.

  • Introductory Session (2 hours – consultation and work)

  • Hourly

  • Packages (hours depend on project)

Please contact me to learn more!

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