Do you have items that you aren’t using, inherited, don’t want anymore or all of the above?

Consult with a Collectibles Advisor!

What does that mean? A collectibles advisor can help you determine items that have value and then sell them or provide resources for you to sell them. In the event that more knowledge is needed, I have resources through The Keys Guild and my own network. The importance of this service is that stuff that you don’t want finds a new home, whether it be bought or donated, and you are no longer weighed down by it.

  • My first consignment of jewelry

    Jewelry, coins and metals.

    These items are the easiest to value and sell. I bring my tools to determine worth, make an offer right there and pay you! Even costume jewelry can have value, so don’t be afraid to ask about an item.

  • Home decor and dishware

    Home decor and dish/servingware include cushions, table linens, vases, lamps and anything to furnish your house. There are multiple places to sell them, so I try different markets and prices to get you the best proceeds. However, it is what the market will bear, so if a particular type of item is not selling well, I let you know.

  • One of the first things I sent to auction

    Everything else

    This category includes large artwork, bbq grills, clothing and accessories, game consoles, and even a car! I have sold all these things for my clients. Currently I’m in the process of selling 2 boxes of graphic novels, a motorcycle helmet and an antique platform rocking chair.